This photograph was taken by Hans Bellmer. He has a quite...unusual aesthetic in his images but I find them to be really interesting. His division of the body parts as well as the garish colors he presents are a way interest the viewer yet disturb them at the same time. It is a very different and interestin approach to the figure.
This image was taken by photographer J Bennett Fitts and I chose it because it really reminds me of bridgets work. The division of space and the geometry is really nice though im not entirley sure what he is trying to say. His series was entitled industrial landscapes or something along those lines but I hope it really isn't that literal.
The Piss Christ by Andres Serrano. This image is intriguing to me because at first glance with the image and the title you just think he is mocking religion but there are many other levels to not only this image but to all of his work. This is a dye destruction print and im not really sure what that means but I would like to know how that relates to his imagery and the rest of his process.