I like this image because of the light i went through all of the pictures for a while and there were some that were "better images" but for some reason I was really drawn to this one. I think it is the light but also the gesture and the expression in the girls face. Also the composition it reminds me of a dramatic scene from a film which makes me like it that much more.
This photograph is interesting to me for the way that the person delt with the space. It seems like it should be wide open and spacious but they managed to give it this almost claustrophobic feeling which i like alot. The way the grill is the main focal point is very Soth-ian (is that a word?)3.
I was automatically drawn to this image. I think because it is kind of like what i do at least to a degree. The way the figure is silhouetted against the multiple back lights is great and the sense of mystery and even creepiness that you get from it is amazing also i know how annoying that dust can be and I sympathize with him/her.
In my humble opinion this image is amazing, plain and simple. The gesture of the out of foucus figure in the front along with the bustling city in the reflection AND the words to go along with it. It is a great image on all fronts as well as a thought provoking one but there is something innocent about the way the words are written that makes it all come together perfectly.